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3 June 2022

5 June, World Environment Day - TUCAB's contribution to Environmental Sustainability

As TUCAB is a Plastics company, how can it contribute to Environmental Sustainability?

The 5th of June is coming up, on which we celebrate the World Environment Day, which aims to make the population aware of the importance of preserving natural resources.

To preserve the environment is to preserve life and everyone's contribution is essential to guarantee the future of the planet.

But being a Plastics company, how can TUCAB contribute to Environmental Sustainability?

Environmental Concern is intrinsic to TUCAB's DNA, so we make our contribution to Environmental Sustainability through practices such as:


  • ISO 14001 Certification - Environmental Management System

In Portugal on 31.12.2020 there were 1,316,000 companies, of which, in 2021, only 1,133 are certified by ISO 14001 - Environmental Management Standard and of these, only 44 are from the plastics area, and Tucab is one of them.

  • We recycle all internal waste

TUCAB's waste is reintroduced into its production process in products that allow it due to their requirements and characteristics. The waste that we cannot reintroduce is sold to plastic recyclers, who in turn sell it for other applications

Find out more about how we Recycle Internal Waste HERE

  • We buy recovered raw materials

We buy recovered raw materials, which we reintroduce 100% in our production process. (For example, in 2020 we bought more than 50 tonnes). In addition, we present our customers with solutions based on the circular economy, which are more sustainable and environmentally friendly, making them aware of putting a % recycled in their products, or even purchasing products produced only with reused raw materials

  • Reusing 3D Printing Filament reels

At our 3D Printing filament brand FIL3D®, we encourage customers to return reels of our filament through a discount on the purchase of other filaments. In this way we can reuse the spools.

  • We are part of the River SEA Project

The River Sea project studied the microplastics in the Lis River basin and the measures to be taken to reduce or even eliminate them. As a result of this project, TUCAB installed several filters in order to prevent the microplastics we produce from ending up in the rainwater network, thus being retained in the filters, which are then removed and taken to common waste.

  • Creation of the Fil2ndlife Project

In 3D printing, various types of waste are produced, and, as yet, there was no place that would allow their separation and reintroduction, inevitably culminating in their being sent to the common rubbish.

And TUCAB, through the brand Fil3D®, created this project which includes a box that can be found in several areas of Portugal, in the FIL3D Brand distributors, with the aim of collecting the 3D Printing waste.

After collection, the waste will be recycled and reintroduced into filament production, creating the new product "Fil2ndlife".

Learn more about this project HERE

  • Fil3d reels are made from recycled plastic

The reels used for the 3D printing filament are made, and certified, that at least 70% of the raw material used for the manufacture of the reels is recycled plastic.

With these practices TUCAB is giving its contribution to the creation of environmental solutions and we are aware that the path of sustainability is the path that we all have to follow. 

Nowadays, the plastics issue is a concern for the environment, and it is our responsibility as a plastics processing factory to apply the best environmental practices.


Cuide hoje, que amanhã pode ser tarde!